

Outdoor exercise is undeniably healthy. The person becomes more vital, more mobile and the mind becomes more cheerful. In many countries, exercise parks are already part of everyday life.

Fitnessgeräte am Strand, bereit für Training bei Sonnenuntergang, Gehweg entlang des Wassers.
Luftaufnahme von Fachwerkhäusern mit roten Dächern in einem Dorf, Bäume und Park im Vordergrund.
Fitnessgeräte im Freien auf städtischem Spielplatz, im Hintergrund Bäume und Gebäude, Menschen spazieren und radeln.
Fitnessgeräte im Freien, umgeben von grünen Bäumen, auf einem gepflasterten Weg in einem Park.
Fitnessgeräte im Freien auf Kiesweg, umgeben von grünen Bäumen und sonnigem Himmel im Park.
Fitnessgeräte im Park vor einem weißen Gebäude mit grüner Gartenlandschaft im Hintergrund.
Fitnessgeräte stehen entlang eines gepflasterten Weges in einem grünen Park bei Sonnenuntergang.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte im Freien auf Holzmulch vor einem grünen Feld und Bäumen bei bewölktem Himmel.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte auf einem grünen Rasenplatz mit einem Athleten im Hintergrund.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte stehen im Park auf einem Sandplatz, umgeben von Bäumen und Rasenflächen.
Fitnessgerät auf einer Wiese im Park bei Sonnenaufgang.
Trainingsgeräte und Bänke im Park, Bäume und Tennisplatze im Hintergrund, sonniges Wetter.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte und Parkbänke auf gepflastertem Platz im grünen Park.
Luftaufnahme von Fachwerkhäusern mit roten Dächern in einem Dorf, Bäume und Park im Vordergrund.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte im Park auf Schotterfläche unter Baum, umgeben von grünen Büschen und Bäumen.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte auf einer Rasenfläche, mit Blick auf einen Fluss und das gegenüberliegende Ufer mit Bäumen und Gebäuden.
Fitnessgeräte im Freien, leeres, parkähnliches Umfeld mit Bäumen, Himmelturm im Hintergrund, Sonnenuntergang.
Fitnessgeräte im Freien, leeres, parkähnliches Umfeld mit Bäumen, Himmelturm im Hintergrund, Sonnenuntergang.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte an einem sonnigen Herbsttag, umgeben von Laubbäumen, neben einem roten Laufbahnplatz.
Fitnessgeräte für Körpertraining im Freien, umgeben von Bäumen im Park.
Calisthenics-Geräte im Park vor herbstlichen Bäumen, darunter parallele Stangen und Klettergerüste.
Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte im Freien auf Holzmulch vor einem grünen Feld und Bäumen bei bewölktem Himmel.
Luftaufnahme von Fachwerkhäusern mit roten Dächern in einem Dorf, Bäume und Park im Vordergrund.
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The playfit® equipment system has been used over recent years for many communal spaces, e.g. in public parks. Social facilities, including retirement homes and workshops for disabled people, as well as in clinics and other health institutions such as housing associations have also benefited from this product range by fitting out their outdoor facilities.

Intergenerational leisure concept

Beautiful picture collage with the playfit outdoor fitness equipment. In the first picture you see a dad with his son trainig with the arm cyle. The second picture is a dad with his two kids training on the walker, the third picture is a older men with a young woman training together with the happy big wheel. The fourth picture is a trainer with a young woman on the bar trying to do a pull up.

Thanks to the simple design, the equipment easily blends into its surroundings and stands out as a result of the design quality.


The wide range of functions makes this equipment particularly versatile. It can be used by a range of user groups in many environments.

A beautiful picture of a park in Germany - Frankfurt Europaviertel. You see 5 playfit outdoor fitness devices. First the Massage Rub Machine, the Waist Back Massage Machine, the Taji Massage Machine, the Walker and lastly the Happy Big Wheel.
At the roadside in Germany – Frankfurt Europaviertel

Social facilities such as retirement homes or workshops for the disabled, clinics and other health institutions as well as housing associations have recognized the advantages and importance of this range of exercise and have equipped their premises with playfit® outdoor fitness equipment.

A little oasis for relaxation in Germany - Bad Waldsee with 3 playfit outdoor fitness devices. The Happy Big Wheel, the Jump and Reach and the Elliptical
A little oasis for relaxation in Germany – Bad Waldsee
A picture of a motorway service station in Germany Lohfelden. You see in front of it some playfit devices like Happy Big Wheel, Taiji Massage Machine and Elliptical
For motorway service stations in Germany – Lohfelden

Red bar with the area heading - Kommunale Parks & Andere Freiflächen


Picture of a park area in Germany - Langenhagen. There are a lot of people around in the front you see a gentleman massaging his back at the Massage Rub Machine.
Park area in Germany – Langenhagen
You see a playfit Calisthenics  System in Germany Darmstadt-Eberstadt. There are a few young people doing training on it and around it too
Park area in Germany – Darmstadt-Eberstadt
  • In fitness parks for all ages aimed at both locals and tourists
  • As a pioneering movement in reaction to the demographic change in our societies
  • As a place for movement and communication between generations and nationalities
  • As a recreational park for all the family

Red bar with the area heading - sports facilities and sports clubs


A huge sports area in Ireland - Black lion with 11 playfit training devices. The Jump and Reach, the Massage Rub Machine, the Twister, two Walker, three Elliptical, the Taiji Massage Machine, the Waistback Massage Machine and a Happy Big Wheel. In the back lies a wonderful lake and the famous green meadows of Ireland.
Sports area in Ireland – Black Lion

  • As a versatile addition to an existing range of sports equipment
  • As a challenging preventative warm-up method for athletes in addition to their regular training programme, for stretching and relaxing the muscles
  • As a tool for owners to recruit new members, e.g. as an introductory offer for less sporty people

Red bar with the area heading - exercise equipment for the elderly


The picture shows garden at a recreational facilities for the eldery in Fellbach- Germany
Recreational facilities for the elderly in Germany – Fellbach

As an effective exercise equipment for those in retirement homes and their visitors

  • To improve vitality motor skills in day-to-day life
  • To promote social connection and improve quality of life
  • Last but not least, for use in fall and injury prevention

Red bar with the area heading - residential - housing associations


A wonderful park creation at a housing association in Germany - Flensburg. You see 3 playfit outdoor fitness devices, a Duplex Taiji Massage Machine, a Massage Rub Machine and a walker.
Housing Association in Germany – Flensburg

  • To increase the appeal of outdoor facilities
  • As an integral focal point of a building complex where neighbours can meet, get to know each other and enjoy getting active

Red bar with the area heading - rehabilitation and treatment clinics


The pictures shows a cutout of a clinic in Germany - Bad Waldsee.
There are also a few playfit devices beautiful aranged in an circle. On the picture you just see in the front a Elliptical and in the back a Waist Back Massage Machine.
Clinic in Germany – Bad Waldsee

  • As support equipment to facilitate recovery outdoors in the context of full body rehabilitation programmes
  • As part of a guided fitness programme in the context of additional training aided by specialists, such as physical therapists, Nordic walking instructors, etc.

Red bar with the area heading - on company premises


You see a wonderful cutout of the Hamburg Harbour City in Germany. In front are 3 playfit outdoor fitness devices and people training on them. From left to right is the Duplex Twister, the Taiji Massage Machine and the Elliptical.
Modern Cityscape in Germany – Hamburg Hafen City
  • As a pioneering approach to combining work and health (high usage/low expenditure)
  • As a supplement to an occupational health management programme
  • To increase well-being and performance and resistance to stress
  • To quickly improve concentration

Red bar with the area heading - wellness-hotels, leisure centres and recreational parks


Recreational facility in Germany - Maierhöfen with playfit outdoor fitness devices. A Waist Back Massage Machine, a Happy Big Wheel, a Elliptical, a Massage Rub Machine and the Taiji Massage Machine.
Recreational facility in Germany – Maierhöfen
Nice recovery course in Switzerland Emmetten. You see a beautiful skyline of mountains in the back i front is a wonderful meadow with playfit devices and people training on them. You see a Taiji Massage Machine, a Elliptical, a Jump and Reach, a Massage Rub MAchine, a Elliptical, a Waist Back Massage Machine, a Duplex Twister and a Walker.
Nice recovery course in Switzerland – Emmetten
  • As an appealing and varied addition to leisure facilities, such as facilities for playing bowls, paddling pools, outdoor chess facilities and barbecue areas.

Benefits of an outdoor fitness area

Regardless of the place of use, the installation of this playfit outdoor fitness equipment is advantageous for all parties involved for several reasons.

benefits of an outdoor fitness area in sequence Image, Improvement of Amenities, To connect people, Contact and Prevention

Red bar with the heading - image

To increase the appeal of any given location (public areas/facilities).

Red bar with the heading - improvement of amenities

As a free and social exercise option that does not require any form of commitment or preparation, and can be practised in any type of clothing, all year round.

Red bar with the heading - to connect people

A sensible reaction to the recent and future requirements of out society with regard to demographic changes – not least as an important contribution to the movement to connect elderly people with one another.

Red bar with the heading - contact

To support the promotion of social relationships and positive cohabitation between all citizens, as well as to open up a dialogue between generations and nationalities.

Red bar with the heading - prevention

As a contribution to preventative measures against health problems in society.